Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Excerpt from http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2388.txt

In many applications, it is possible for a user to be presented with
   a form. The user will fill out the form, including information that
   is typed, generated by user input, or included from files that the
   user has selected. When the form is filled out, the data from the
   form is sent from the user to the receiving application.
multipart/form-data" contains a series of parts. Each part is
   expected to contain a content-disposition header [RFC 2183] where the
   disposition type is "form-data", and where the disposition contains
   an (additional) parameter of "name", where the value of that
   parameter is the original field name in the form. For example, a part
   might contain a header:

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user"

   with the value corresponding to the entry of the "user" field. 
As with all multipart MIME types, each part has an optional
   "Content-Type", which defaults to text/plain.  If the contents of a
   file are returned via filling out a form, then the file input is
   identified as the appropriate media type, if known, or
   "application/octet-stream".  If multiple files are to be returned as
   the result of a single form entry, they should be represented as a
   "multipart/mixed" part embedded within the "multipart/form-data".

   Each part may be encoded and the "content-transfer-encoding" header
   supplied if the value of that part does not conform to the default
As with other multipart types, a boundary is selected that does not
   occur in any of the data. Each field of the form is sent, in the
   order defined by the sending appliction and form, as a part of the
   multipart stream.  Each part identifies the INPUT name within the
   original form. Each part should be labelled with an appropriate
   content-type if the media type is known (e.g., inferred from the file
   extension or operating system typing information) or as
If the value of a form field is a set of files rather than a single
   file, that value can be transferred together using the
   "multipart/mixed" format.
Forms may request file inputs from the user; the form software may
   include the file name and other file attributes, as specified in [RFC

   The original local file name may be supplied as well, either as a
   "filename" parameter either of the "content-disposition: form-data"
   header or, in the case of multiple files, in a "content-disposition:
   file" header of the subpart. The sending application MAY supply a
   file name; if the file name of the sender's operating system is not
   in US-ASCII, the file name might be approximated, or encoded using
   the method of RFC 2231.

   This is a convenience for those cases where the files supplied by the
   form might contain references to each other, e.g., a TeX file and its
   .sty auxiliary style description. 

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